Image Source: Lance Anderson
We are grateful to our generous donors for the opportunity to continue to offer our services to the movement largely pro bono. Allowing us to pursue partnerships with promising organisations that may otherwise not have the resources to conduct such vital research particularly those in the global south or for promising new organisations setting their initial strategy. If you are interested in learning more about our work, upcoming plans or monitoring and evaluation of our programs please contact us below. Or consider supporting our work through the cornerstone donation platform.
Our funding gap for 2023 has been filled and additional donations will now support us through 2024. Our current funding gap for our maintance budget in 2024 is $145,000. Additional funding beyond this may allow us to hire additional researchers who would expand the number of groups we can support through our programs, with an additional $18,000 we can cover one ask Prioritisation project and $12,000 covers one Ask Consultation project.