Image Source: Aaron Burden
We have produced a huge amount of output for a small team of researchers with reports that are shaping the conversation around ask formation movement-wide. Please feel free to browse the research database below and get in touch if you would like to discuss any of the reports further.
Subsidies: Which reforms can help animals?
Independent Office of Animal Protection
Corporate Campaigns: determining the scale of the ask
CCTV cameras in slaughterhouses: Modest benefits for animal welfare
The challenges with measuring the impact of lobbying
Pathways to victory: How can we end animal agriculture?
Deterrence theory and empirical evidence of increasing compliance with the law
Imports to meet UK animal welfare standards
Establish a code of practice for farmed fish in the UK (trout and salmon)
Divestment from animal agriculture: what does it achieve?
Meat tax: why chickens pay the price
Non-stun slaughter
Imports to meet Swiss animal welfare standards
Cruel products import ban
Ending cages for laying hens
Measuring animal welfare